Assumed Knowledge:
Learning Outcomes:
  • Install required software
  • Create variables
  • Perform basic arithmetic operations



  1. Install Python (version 3.10.2 at the time of writing these notes). For windows, make sure you add Python to class path.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code (or any other IDE of your preference). However, we will only troubleshoot VS Code issues.
  3. Inside Visual Studio Code, install the extension Python by Microsoft.

Write your first program

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Click on New
  3. Click on File
  4. Type the following (without the line number and no leading spaces):

     print("Hello World!")
  5. Save as
  6. Click on the Play icon on the top-right side.
  7. You should see the output Hello World! in the terminal or console.

History of Python

Python is not named after the non-venomous snakes, but after the acclaimed British comedy show Monty Python.

Developed by Guido van Rossum,